Cage & Miles Blog | Family Law

When Is Annulment Possible in California? | Cage & Miles, LLP

Written by Cage & Miles | Jan 1, 2018 8:00:00 AM

When divorce is not enough, annulment is an option. While divorce acknowledges a marriage once took place though is no longer valid, an annulment erases the marriage from existence entirely. Despite you wanting an annulment because you don’t want to have any hint of your ex following the end of the marriage, annulments are only granted under particular conditions. Regular couples who simply do not want to be with each other anymore cannot obtain an annulment, as divorce is the primary option.

In order to legally obtain an annulment, one or more of the following specific qualifications must be met:

  • Bigamy, in which one party was already married to another person prior to this 2nd marriage
  • The couple is related by blood
  • The person seeking the annulment was under 18 at the time of the marriage
  • Fraud was perpetrated in an effort to obtain the marriage, such as in matters of immigration
  • Either party was untruthful about a physical condition which cannot be altered, such as impotence
  • Either party was not mentally capable of making the decision to marry at the time of marriage
  • The marriage was finalized under force

Contact Our San Diego Divorce Attorneys Today

Cage & Miles, LLP is led by San Diego divorce attorneys who are committed to helping you move forward from a tough time in your life with ease. No matter how challenging your situation may be, you can rest assured our legal team wants to help. Regardless of how long it takes, or how much effort is required on our part, we will go the distance on your behalf. We would love to be your trusted allies throughout this complicated process.

Interested in scheduling an initial consultation with a member of our team? Contact us by calling (858) 943-2060.